Mergers & Acquisitions
Villand Capital can help your company identify potential target companies, engage prospective targets, analyze valuations, negotiate terms, and structure the transaction, bringing about the very best results for our clients. This same expertise allows for a focused and constant dialogue with relevant strategic acquirers and private equity groups.

Funding is the core of Villand Capital´s corporate finance. We understand that small and mid-cap market companies are in need of creative solutions and consistent access to capital. Based on years of relevant experience, our advisors can help your business raise funds, whether your objective is corporate growth or financing.

Villand Capital offer our clients guarantees to support your corporate business and to facilitate your company with its growth. Guarantees represent a complex area and at Villand Capital, we possess a great depth of experience and offer your business the assurance of a fully subscribed issue.

Villand Capital takes full access over the entire transaction process and prepare all of the relevant documentation such as Information Memorandum, Financial Reporting, Company Presentations, Analysis Data, responsibility for the entire Due Diligence process and handling all contacts with the counterparties.